Finished integration of GPS Vehicle Trackers and Fleet Management model IntelliTrac X8 of SysTech brand. The GPS tracker SysTech IntelliTrac X8 allows you to connect external devices in their digital inputs, also it has a Panic button that will send emergency reports a Tracking Management Platform so they can attend their impact in their automatic vehicle dispatch.
Systech IntelliTrac X8 is our most powerful and comprehensive model in the product line and has gained great reputation worldwide due to its great performance. The Systech IntelliTrac X8 is a powerful AVL device that combines GPS technology and GSM/GPRS modules with other wireless communication technology for Real- Time Tracking, Polling, Security and Fleet management purpose in their service routes or deliveries tasks.
Solutions for service providers in vehicle fleet management.
Products specially designed to meet telematics needs in fleet management.
Integrated GPS trackers and IoT devices for immediate use.
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