Skywave MT3400 is a Satellite based GPS tracker for GPS tracking mobile assets such as trailers, containers or heavy machinery. MT3400 is one of the Satellite Trackers models that allow two-way communication for messaging from the same GPS tracker and to the same device.
Through this hybrid GPS integration between the DCT Syrus GPS trackers and GPS trackers Skywave IDP series, we get a merger and increase the chances of generating events in their service routes or sent information extracted from the DCT and Skywave devices.
MaxTrack MTC-700 Sunbird GPS Vehicle tracker and Fleet Management with direct Can Bus (Can 2.0) telematic reports, MTC-700 allows you to connect an external satellite modem to lose GPRS coverage. MaxTrack MTC-700 is a GPS tracker oriented to Driving control and Efficient driving vehicle fleets demanding, where they need to extract as possible telematics events information.
IDP-782 Satellite based GPS tracker integration of Skywave brand, used in Fleet Management location solutions. Skywave IDP-782 can be controlled from a Tracking Management Platform in real-time with any limits of riqueriments.
Skywave IDP-782 Satellite based GPS tracker with dual mode satellite-cellular or cellular communication, IDP-782 is used in telematics Fleet Management applications. GPS tracker Skywave IDP-782 can extract data Can Bus J1939 standards, to provide reports on the Driving control the driver in their field service management and ensure Efficient driving of your fleet in their service routes or deliveries tasks.
Solutions for service providers in vehicle fleet management.
Products specially designed to meet telematics needs in fleet management.
Integrated GPS trackers and IoT devices for immediate use.
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