ERM StarLink eConnect GPS tracker integration for GPS Asset Tracking. StarLink eConnect of ERM Electronic System it is an ideal solution for Fleet Management (mobile assets or vehicles) depending of your need.
ERM Electronic System StarLink eConnect GPS Asset and Fleet Management tracker. ERM StarLink eConnect it is a Waterproof GPS tracker, you can work in the GPS Asset tracking with extreme weather conditions.
CalAmp TTU-720 Standalone GPS tracker integration with 57Ah rechargeable battery. The target market of TTU-720 GPS device of CalAmp is the GPS Container tracking or GPS fleet tracking.
CalAmp TTU-720 is a Standalone GPS tracker with 57Ah rechargeable battery for GPS Asset Tracking. TTU-720 of CalAmp has certification (IP67 - Waterproof and dust GPS) in his plastic case, you can work with TTU-720 GPS device of CalAmp in their service routes or deliveries tasks and in their automatic vehicle dispatch with extreme weather conditions.
Teltonika TMT250 Standalone GPS tracker integration with 800mAh battery. TMT250 of Teltonika it is also a Waterproof and dust GPS device with IP67 protection on his plastic case.
Solutions for service providers in vehicle fleet management.
Products specially designed to meet telematics needs in fleet management.
Integrated GPS trackers and IoT devices for immediate use.
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