Tracking Management Platform - New Language
Added the Portuguese as new language in Tracking Management Platform. This new language is available as default language, user language and culture in all the available options.
One of the most used functions in a Tracking Management Platform services for Fleet Management is the Driver identification management who is responsible for the vehicle being located.
Release - GPS Tracking Platform
Available recruiting secure connections to the Location Platform through Verisign certificates.
We have extended some aspects of the customization process by adding the ability to use their own communication channel to customers users via RSS.
Global AVL announces the possibility of event notification and alerts through SMS messaging. With this functionality the communication capability offered to our GPS Location Service that has European regulations of tachograph for sending automated emails and notifications screen is increased. The SMS sent is done with local freight costs, no matter where the recipient of the SMS are. From our location service you can also manage some type of scheduled reports and you can control their service routes - deliveries tasks without any requirement limit or you can manage their automatic vehicle dispatch depending of your need, also use our REST API to connect existing applications at no additional extra cost and control their vehicle preventative maintenance that help you to reduce company cost or manage their mobile asset hours of service control (HoS) without any requirement limit. In our GPS location service, you can also recept related alerts with the control of driving habits of their drivers and of their vehicle efficient driving or their field service management, in addition you can control their mobile asset using our mobile applications for mobile asset location and you can use without extra cost our automatic data sending service to external servers or you can manage their drivers care driving that help you to reduce cost.
Solutions for service providers in vehicle fleet management.
Products specially designed to meet telematics needs in fleet management.
Integrated GPS trackers and IoT devices for immediate use.
All institutional information and our interaction with the community.