Displaying items by tag: Displaying items by tag: GPS

Finished integration GPS device Telic Picotrack. Telic Picotrack small sized device with robust housing and excellent battery lifetime used to reliably tracking high value assets (e.g. valuable shipments,  product prototypes, confidential documents, automatic vehicle dispatch, ...) in service routes or deliveries tasks over a period of weeks to several month.

Finished integration GPS device Wireless Links Piccolo ATX. The Piccolo ATX used for asset tracking with a minimum number of GPS location transmission to preserve battery life.

Finished integration GPS device Wireless Links Piccolo Plus. The Piccolo Plus used in Fleet Management and Trailer Tracking in service routes or deliveries tasks. Wireless Links Piccolo Plus supports CAN bus standards J1708 / J1939 / FMS and compatible with Garmin interface ideal for manage their automatic vehicle dispatch and Waterproof IP65.

Piccolo STX GPS tracker integration of Wireless Links brand, used in vehicle tracking and Fleet Management solutions. Wireless Links Piccolo STX support Can Bus (J1708 - J1939) and extract data by: RPM, distance, oil pressure or fuel consumption; this data controlled the hours of service of their service routes or deliveries tasks from a Tracking Management Platform.

Finished integration of the GPS device Astra Telematics AT240. The AT240 used in vehicle tracking and fleet management applications in service routes or deliveries tasks. Astra Telematics AT240 supports CANBus, IP67 waterproof sealing and integrated antennas and some very clever power/battery management.

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