Xirgo Technologies XT2400 offer different reports over the "driving behaviour" that help to increase your vehicle performance and you can be control if your driver´s driving your vehicle correctly in your service routes or excess the preconfigured limits for the "driving behaviour" in their automatic vehicle dispatch. The real-time GPS tracking with XT2400 OBDII GPS tracker you can be made in 3 different modes with hours of service control: (using the Xirgo Technologies online server, sending commands with SMS text messages from a mobile phone, from an external tracking management platform "edit default IP/port" that may have European regulations of tachograph), from the online services you can manage the events that XT2400 send over the "driving behaviour" or use an REST API to connect existing applications and manage their vehicle hours of service control (HoS) without any requirement limit or you can control their service routes and deliveries tasks depending of your need, in addition you can manage their drivers driving control that help you to reduce cost and control their field service management without any requirement limit. Using XT2400 from our GPS tracking platform, you can manage their vehicle fuel consumption control that help you to reduce company cost and you can control their vehicle eco driving depending of your need or you can manage the care driving of their drivers without requirement limit, in addition you can control their XT2400 using our mobile applications for vehicle tracking and you can manage their vehicle preventative maintenance that help you to reduce cost or you can use without extra cost our automatic data sending service to external servers, also you can manage their drivers control of driving habits that help you to reduce cost and control their manual task registration depending of your need or manage their automatic vehicle dispatch without any requirement limit, in addition you can control their vehicle efficient driving that help you to reduce cost. Xirgo Technologies XT2400 has designed to cover different requirements in the telematics "fleet management" and the vehicle GPS tracking with asigned field service management, XT2400 is an highly recommended solution to install in vehicles that by insurance policies don´t can install external devices. Xirgo Technologies include the (OTA - Over the Air) function in XT2400 OBDII tracker, through (OTA) you can be change config parameters or firmware update remotely without uninstalling XT2400 of your vehicle, this function also help to reduce costs in technical services. Xirgo Technologies XT2400 can extract the follows data from the vehicle ECU: (odometer, fuel level, engine oil life remaining, tire pressure sensor, seat belt status, speed, vehicle error code), all these data that XT2400 send you can be analyse in real-time from the external tracking management platform or the Xirgo server.