Teltonika FM6300 GPS tracker may report or acquire data by: time, distance, angle change, unlike speed, ignition or any other event that generates the tracker in your service routes or deliveries tasks. With the FM6300 GPS tracker may change any parameter configuration or upgrade firmware via USB cable or via OTA commands, if you use OTA commands reduce maintenance costs in its active or fleet, FM6300 also can be use an REST API to connect existing applications. To connect different external peripherals Teltonika FM6300 GPS tracker has the following interfaces: Can Bus compatibility (J1708, J1939) K-Line interface (transfer data from the tachograph), 2 RS232 ports (connect Garmin devices for their automatic vehicle dispatch or control fuel level), 4 digital inputs, 4 digital open collector outputs, 3 analog inputs, 1-Wire interface (for Driver identification with iButton) that improve their Care Driving or their Efficient Driving and MicroSD card slot. FM6300 also has external GSM antenna with SMA connector and external GNSS antenna with MCX connector for increased sensitivity. Using FM6300 from our GPS tracking platform, you can manage the control of driving habits of their drivers without requirement limit and you can control their FM6300 tracker using our mobile applications for mobile asset tracking or also manage some type of scheduled reports depending of your need, in addition you can control their field service management without any requirement limit and manage their mobile asset eco driving that help you to reduce cost or control their automatic vehicle dispatch depending of your need, also you can manage their drivers care driving without any requirement limit and control their manual task registration that help you to reduce cost or manage their drivers driving control depending of your need. In our GPS tracking platform, you can also manage their vehicle preventative maintenance that help you to reduce company cost and you can control their vehicle event management without requirement limit or you can manage their vehicle fuel control depending of your need, in addition you can use without extra cost our automatic data sending service to external servers and manage their mobile asset hours of service control (HoS) that help you to reduce cost or you can control their service routes and deliveries tasks without any requirement limit.