To increase the safety, you can configure on the Suntech ST340LC GPS Motorcycles tracker the follows SMS alerts: (Anti-theft, ON/OFF battery, battery error, geofences, idle, towing, speed), every time that one event is active you receive on your mobile phone a SMS message. With ST340LC GPS device of Suntech can manage the hours of service of "Driving behaviour" thanks to (DPA) Driving Pattern Analysis system that detect the following scheduled reports: harsh driving, harsh braking, harsh corner, histogram. You can receive the exact "Geo Location" of Suntech ST340LC GPS Motorcycles tracker on your mobile phone through a SMS message, every time that the (motorcycle - mobile asset) crossing a preconfigured virtual geofence (up to 200 circular geofences and up to 500 points to service routes in automatic vehicle dispatch). ST340LC of Suntech in addition is a Waterproof GPS device with IP67 certification on his plastic case and can be using for the mobile assets management control in the field service management with extreme weather conditions.