Authorized driving identification - Tracking Management Platform

One of the most used functions in a Tracking Management Platform services for Fleet Management is the Driver identification management who is responsible for the vehicle being located.


Authorized driving identification - Tracking Management PlatformThere are different ways to achieve this goal of Drivers identification are the most common radio frequency identification (RFID), Card identification or tachograph used in personal income by key keyboards adapted to Location Based Services.

The most widespread means for its reduced cost is the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) made ​​by a reader that plugs into the GPS tracker installed in the vehicle (one reader per vehicle) which recognizes an unlimited number of hand memento identifiers to the driver approaching its ID to the reader.

The Driver identification management allows drivers not only know that the driver is responsible for each vehicle at all times but also that this differentiation is a critical driver in cost allocation element determining Driving control habits  or care driving when shared or vehicles with Efficient driving in their service routes and deliveries tasks or resting through the hours of service control (HoS).