Eco Driving and fuel saving tips

Eco Driving and fuel saving are main concerns in fleet management. These 8 new tips than can help drivers achieve an ecological and efficient driving with least effort.
How to improve our Eco Driving behaviour
1. Checking tire Pressure
Eco Driving starts before you start the car engine. For optimum fuel saving, it is important to make sure the tire pressure is at the recommended level by the vehicle manufacturer. Tires that are too soft or too tight increase fuel consumption in all cases.
2. Getting rid of extra weight
In the same way, it is important to make sure before beginning our journey that we do not carry any extra weight. In order to get good Eco Driving results, we must remove unused luggage racks, empty the trunk of useless objects and generally remove all the expendable elements.
3. Keeping an eye on revolutions
One of the ecological driving tips that we can apply all the time is to keep the engine revs within certain boundaries. It is advisable to drive diesel cars at 1,500 - 2,000 revolutions, and gasoline cars at 2,000 - 2,500 revolutions.
4. Keeping a regular speed
Driving whenever we can at a regular speed is an easy way to get a good level of Eco Driving. It is sudden reactions, such as rapid acceleration and braking, which greatly increase fuel consumption.
Check these ecological and beneficial actions
5. Going downhill
A widespread myth among drivers is that driving downhill in neutral help reduce consumption. But it is important to know that this is not true. An Eco Driving behavior would be to raise the foot of the accelerator and to control the speed with the brake and the gear change. In this way, we take advantage of the inertia of the car to improve fuel consumption.
6. Going uphill
Another very useful ecological driving behavior is to climb the slopes at the highest possible speed. We can also improve fuel consumption if we step on the throttle only the necessary, without sudden accelerations and without forcing the engine.
7. Skipping gears
This is a little known Eco Driving tip among drivers. Surely you did not know that fuel consumption is reduced if we can change gears by skipping one. Whenever possible, it is better to go from third gear to fifth or fourth to second and that will help us save fuel.
8. Closing windows
To improve the efficiency of our car and to implement Eco Driving in our day to day, it is important to think about the aerodynamics of the vehicle. The less resistance to air the car offers, the less fuel it will consume. That is why it is important to remember to close all the windows, especially when traveling at high speed.
Here are some useful tips to implement Eco Driving in our daily driving. In this way, we can improve the performance and fuel efficiency of our fleet with great benefits. And to ensure that all drivers perform these beneficial actions, Global AVL makes available many Eco Driving specific features for all customers. Through these apps, fleet managers can observe the behavior of drivers and optimize the performance of the entire fleet.